# just spend an hour fixing a problem that didn't exist. All because Jan 1 2033 is a weekend... love bdays
# All the bank loan amort calcs I found rounded the interest payment amount, and then calculate the total payment
# based on the total interest + the principal
# Final x-axis tic set to total payment period amount
# Arguably the bonus payment type: seems standard (see below in TO ADD section)
# A pie graph that shows total amount paid in interest vs pricipal
# add a folder for the imported functions and change the import path
# add bar graph monthly payment distribution
# add bonus payment type (default=by_periods) (options: yearly, one-time)
# for yearly: add optional bonus_date parameter (default=start_date)
# bonus_date would act double as the one-time payment date parameter
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import pandas as pd
import calendar
from statistics import mean
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# functions created for this project (should create links if I ever share this)
from Required_Functions.validate_date import validate_date
from Required_Functions.business_days import business_days
from Required_Functions.cumulative_values import cumulative_values
def loan_amortization(principal, interest_rate, term_years, start_date, periodtype="M-30", bonus=0, PLOT=False):
principal (int or float): The principal amount of the loan.
interest_rate (int or float): The annual interest rate, expressed as a percent (e.g. 5% = 5).
term_years (int or float): Loan/Borrowing term in years.
start_date (str or datetime): The start date of the loan as a string in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format or as a datetime object.
periodtype (str, default="M-30"): The type of period to use for the loan payments, which can be one of the following:
'D' (daily)
'bdays' (daily, only includes business days)
'W' (weekly)
'BW' (biweekly)
'M-30' (months where there is 30 days per month and 360 days per year (30/360))
'M-Actual' (months where months' lengths are accurate, and there are 360 days per year (Actual/360))
'Q' (quarterly)
'S' (semi-annual)
'Y' (Annual)
bonus= (int or float, default=0): Optional, additional principal paid per period.
PLOT= (Bool, default=False): With PLOT set to True, the function will create a folder in the cwd
and download the loan amortization graph as a .png file.
- The .png file will have the following naming structure:
- /Loan_Graphs/'Principal_Rate_TermYears_StartDate_PeriodType_bonus.png'
pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the amortization schedule for the loan
# input validation for start_date
if validate_date(start_date) is False:
raise TypeError("start_date must be a string in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format or a datetime object")
# if the date is in the string format, convert it
if not isinstance(start_date, datetime):
start_date = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
# input type checking for principal, interest_rate, term_years, and bonus
if not isinstance(principal, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("Principal amount should be numeric (int or float)")
if not isinstance(interest_rate, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("Interest rate should be numeric and in % (int or float)")
if not isinstance(term_years, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("term_years should be numeric (int or float)")
if not isinstance(bonus, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("bonus should be numeric (int or float)")
if bonus < 0:
raise TypeError("bonus should be a positive integer")
# shift the day forward one when using Daily to assume no payment is made today
if periodtype == "D":
start_date = start_date + timedelta(days=1)
# create end date of term using term_years
end_date = start_date + relativedelta(years=term_years)
# create a list of business days for the bday index
bdays_dates = business_days(start_date, end_date)
# create a list of weeks for weekly and biweekly index, starting at second week
week_range = pd.date_range(start=start_date + pd.Timedelta(weeks=1) + pd.Timedelta(days=1), periods=52*term_years, freq='W')
week_list = [f'{date.week}-{date.year}' for date in week_range]
# force start and end date to first day of month for month indexing (luv u feb)
start_date_first = datetime(start_date.year, start_date.month, 1)
end_date_first = datetime(end_date.year, end_date.month, 1)
# shift start_date_first forward one month
if start_date_first.month == 12:
# handle special case where the month is December
new_month = 1
new_year = start_date_first.year + 1
new_month = start_date_first.month + 1
new_year = start_date_first.year
start_date_p1 = start_date_first.replace(year=new_year, month=new_month)
# shift end_date_first forward one month
if end_date_first.month == 12:
# handle special case where the month is December
new_month = 1
new_year = end_date_first.year + 1
new_month = end_date_first.month + 1
new_year = end_date_first.year
end_date_first_p1 = end_date_first.replace(year=new_year, month=new_month)
# create month_dates index
month_dates = [start_date_p1.strftime("%m""-""%Y")]
month_dates_4D = [start_date_p1]
current_date = start_date_p1
while current_date < end_date_first_p1:
current_date += relativedelta(months=1)
# remove last month because 1 is start_date
# create list of days in the month of each date
days_in_month = [calendar.monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1] for date in month_dates_4D]
# period-type definition
if periodtype == 'D':
periods = int((end_date - start_date).days)
adjusted_rate = interest_rate / 36525
elif periodtype == 'bdays':
periods = len(bdays_dates)
adjusted_rate = interest_rate / 26100
elif periodtype == 'W':
periods = int(52 * term_years)
adjusted_rate = interest_rate / 5200
elif periodtype == 'BW':
periods = int((52 * term_years) / 2)
adjusted_rate = interest_rate / 2600
elif periodtype == 'M-30':
periods = int(12 * term_years)
adjusted_rate = interest_rate / 1200
elif periodtype == 'M-Actual':
periods = int(12 * term_years)
monthly_rate = [interest_rate / 36000 * days_in_month[i] for i in range(len(month_dates))]
adjusted_rate = mean(monthly_rate)
elif periodtype == 'Y':
periods = term_years
adjusted_rate = interest_rate / 100
elif periodtype == 'S':
periods = int(len(month_dates[1::6]))
adjusted_rate = interest_rate / 200
elif periodtype == 'Q':
periods = int(len(month_dates[1::3]))
adjusted_rate = interest_rate / 400
raise TypeError("periodtype should be one of the following: 'D', 'W', 'BW', 'bdays', 'M-30', 'M-Actual', 'Q', 'S', 'Y'")
# find payment amount
monthly_payment = (principal * adjusted_rate / (1 - (1 + adjusted_rate) ** (-periods)))
monthly_payment_fmt = "{:,.2f}".format(monthly_payment)
monthly_for_plot = f"{monthly_payment_fmt} + {bonus}"
actual_payment = (principal * adjusted_rate / (1 - (1 + adjusted_rate) ** (-periods))) + bonus
# create a list of dates for each payment
if periodtype == 'M-Actual' or periodtype == 'M-30':
payment_dates = month_dates
elif periodtype == 'Y':
payment_dates = [(start_date + relativedelta(years=1 * i)).year for i in range(periods)]
elif periodtype == 'bdays':
payment_dates = bdays_dates
elif periodtype == 'W':
payment_dates = week_list
elif periodtype == 'BW':
payment_dates = week_list[::2]
elif periodtype == 'S':
month_dates.insert(0, start_date.strftime("%m""-""%Y"))
payment_dates = month_dates[:-6:6]
elif periodtype == 'Q':
payment_dates = month_dates[1::3]
payment_dates_nfmt = [start_date + relativedelta(days=(i)) for i in range(periods)]
payment_dates = []
for elem in payment_dates_nfmt:
dates_formatted = elem.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# lists for the payment number, payment amount, interest, principal, and balance
payment_number = list(range(1, periods + 1))
payment_amount = [actual_payment] * periods
interest = []
principal_paid = []
beg_balance = [principal]
end_balance = []
pct_interest = []
pct_principal = []
bonus_list = [bonus] * periods
# interest, principal, and balance for each payment period (exlcuding M-actual)
if not periodtype == "M-Actual":
for i in range(periods):
interest.append(beg_balance[i] * adjusted_rate)
principal_paid.append((monthly_payment) - interest[i])
beg_balance.append(beg_balance[i] - principal_paid[i] - bonus)
end_balance.append(beg_balance[i] - principal_paid[i] - bonus)
pct_interest.append((interest[i] / payment_amount[i]) * 100)
pct_principal.append(((principal_paid[i] + bonus) / payment_amount[i]) * 100)
elif periodtype == "M-Actual":
for i in range(periods):
interest.append((beg_balance[i] * monthly_rate[i]))
principal_paid.append((monthly_payment) - interest[i])
beg_balance.append(beg_balance[i] - principal_paid[i] - bonus)
end_balance.append(beg_balance[i] - principal_paid[i] - bonus)
pct_interest.append((interest[i] / payment_amount[i]) * 100)
pct_principal.append(((principal_paid[i] + bonus) / payment_amount[i]) * 100)
principal_paid[-1] = beg_balance[-2]
payment_amount[-1] = principal_paid[-1] + interest[-1]
end_balance[-1] = 0
# if bonus > 0: do fake amortization without bonus for calc of interest saved
if bonus > 0:
interest2 = []
principal_paid2 = []
beg_balance2 = [principal]
end_balance2 = []
if not periodtype == "M-Actual":
for i in range(periods):
interest2.append(beg_balance2[i] * adjusted_rate)
principal_paid2.append((monthly_payment) - interest2[i])
beg_balance2.append(beg_balance2[i] - principal_paid2[i])
end_balance2.append(beg_balance2[i] - principal_paid2[i])
elif periodtype == "M-Actual":
for i in range(periods):
interest2.append((beg_balance2[i] * monthly_rate[i]))
principal_paid2.append((monthly_payment) - interest2[i])
beg_balance2.append(beg_balance2[i] - principal_paid2[i])
end_balance2.append(beg_balance2[i] - principal_paid2[i])
# make the amortization-schedule dataframe
data = {
'Payment Number': payment_number,
'Payment Date': payment_dates,
'Beginning Balance': beg_balance[:-1],
'Payment Amount': payment_amount,
'Bonus': bonus_list,
'Interest Paid': interest,
'Principal Paid': principal_paid,
'Ending Balance': end_balance,
'% Paid In Interest': pct_interest,
'% Paid To Principal': pct_principal
# dataframe creation
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# truncate df with bonus
if bonus > 0:
index_balance = (df['Ending Balance'] <= 0).idxmax()
df = df.iloc[:index_balance + 1]
df["Principal Paid"].iloc[-1] = df["Beginning Balance"].iloc[-1]
df["Payment Amount"].iloc[-1] = df["Principal Paid"].iloc[-1] + df["Interest Paid"].iloc[-1]
df["Bonus"].iloc[-1] = 0
df["Ending Balance"].iloc[-1] = 0
periods_b4save = periods
periods = int(len(df.index))
# find amount saved by extra payment
amount_saved_nfmt = sum(interest2) - df["Interest Paid"].sum()
amount_saved = "{:,.2f}".format(amount_saved_nfmt)
# find periods saved
periods_saved = periods_b4save - periods
# create stats for plot
# create total interest ****
total_interest_nfmt = df["Interest Paid"].sum()
total_interest = "{:,.2f}".format(total_interest_nfmt)
# create total payment
total_payment_nfmt = total_interest_nfmt + principal
total_payment = "{:,.2f}".format(total_payment_nfmt)
# format data for graph
if bonus > 0:
start_value = 0
loan_balance_list = df["Ending Balance"].tolist()
loan_balance = loan_balance_list.copy()
loan_balance.insert(0, principal)
interest_list = df["Interest Paid"].tolist()
cumulative_interest_list = cumulative_values(interest_list)
cumulative_interest = cumulative_interest_list.copy()
cumulative_interest.insert(0, start_value)
principal_paid_list = df["Principal Paid"].tolist()
principal_paid_plot = [x + bonus if i < len(principal_paid_list)-1 else x for i, x in enumerate(principal_paid_list)]
cumulative_principal_list = cumulative_values(principal_paid_plot)
cumulative_principal = cumulative_principal_list.copy()
cumulative_principal.insert(0, start_value)
start_value = 0
loan_balance = end_balance.copy()
loan_balance.insert(0, principal)
cumulative_interest_list = cumulative_values(interest)
cumulative_interest = cumulative_interest_list.copy()
cumulative_interest.insert(0, start_value)
cumulative_principal_list = cumulative_values(principal_paid)
cumulative_principal = cumulative_principal_list.copy()
cumulative_principal.insert(0, start_value)
# set index to dates
df.set_index('Payment Date', inplace=True)
if periodtype == "M-Actual" or periodtype == "M-30" or periodtype == "Q" or periodtype == "S":
df.index.name = "Payment Month"
elif periodtype == "W" or periodtype == "BW":
df.index.name = "Payment Week"
elif periodtype == "Y":
df.index.name = "Payment Year"
df.index.name = 'Payment Date'
# apply formating for dollar signs and two decimals (new df to retain old format)
df['Payment Amount'] = df['Payment Amount'].apply(lambda x: '${:,.2f}'.format(x))
df['Interest Paid'] = df['Interest Paid'].apply(lambda x: '${:,.2f}'.format(x))
df['Principal Paid'] = df['Principal Paid'].apply(lambda x: '${:,.2f}'.format(x))
df['Beginning Balance'] = df['Beginning Balance'].apply(lambda x: '${:,.2f}'.format(x))
df['Ending Balance'] = df['Ending Balance'].apply(lambda x: '${:,.2f}'.format(x))
df['% Paid In Interest'] = df['% Paid In Interest'].apply(lambda x: '{:,.3f}%'.format(x))
df['% Paid To Principal'] = df['% Paid To Principal'].apply(lambda x: '{:,.3f}%'.format(x))
plot_data = {
'Loan Balance': loan_balance,
'Cumulative Interest': cumulative_interest,
'Principal Paid': cumulative_principal
# make plot
plot = sns.lineplot(data=plot_data)
# find period amount
df_length = len(df["Payment Amount"])
index_name = df.index.name
# tweak visual aspects of plot
plot.set_title(f"Loan Amortization Graph (${principal:,}|{interest_rate}%|{term_years} years|{periodtype})")
plot.set_xlabel(f"Payment Number (Total Payments: {df_length})\n(Initial {index_name}: {df.index[0]} | Final {index_name}: {df.index[-1]})")
plot.set_ylabel("Amount (in Dollars)")
plot.set_xlim(0, periods)
# change line color
lines = plot.lines
lines[0].set(color='blue', linestyle='-')
lines[1].set(color='red', linestyle='-')
lines[2].set(color='green', linestyle='-')
# make sure legend matches line color
ax = plot.axes
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
handles[0].set(color='blue', linestyle='-')
handles[1].set(color='red', linestyle='-')
handles[2].set(color='green', linestyle='-')
ax.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, loc='center left')
# add the total stats as annotations
plt.annotate(f'Total Cost of Loan: ${total_payment}', xy=((periods * .3), (principal)), xytext=((periods * .279), (ax.get_ylim()[1] - (ax.get_ylim()[1] * .045))), bbox=dict(facecolor='white', boxstyle='round'))
plt.annotate(f'Total Interest Paid: ${total_interest}', xy=((periods * .3), (principal)), xytext=((periods * .2815), (ax.get_ylim()[1] - (ax.get_ylim()[1] * .11))), bbox=dict(facecolor='white', boxstyle='round'))
plt.annotate(f'Payment: ${monthly_for_plot}', xy=((periods * .3), (principal)), xytext=((periods * .31), (ax.get_ylim()[1] - (ax.get_ylim()[1] * .175))), bbox=dict(facecolor='white', boxstyle='round'))
# add addition annotations if there is bonus
if bonus > 0:
plt.annotate(f'Interest Saved w/ Bonus: ${amount_saved}', xy=((periods * .3), (principal)), xytext=(0 - (periods * .015) , (ax.get_ylim()[1] * 1.095)), bbox=dict(facecolor='white', boxstyle='round'))
plt.annotate(f'Periods Saved w/ Bonus: {periods_saved}', xy=((periods * .3), (principal)), xytext=(periods - (periods * .365) , (ax.get_ylim()[1] * 1.095)), bbox=dict(facecolor='white', boxstyle='round'))
# tighen layout of plot for saving
# save plot to graphs folder if PLOT=True
if PLOT is True:
if not os.path.exists('loan_graphs'):
# save plot with filename based on input parameters
plot_filename = f"loan_graphs/{principal}_{interest_rate}_{term_years}_{start_date.date()}_{periodtype}_bonus{bonus}.png"
if not os.path.isfile(plot_filename): # ensure plot doesn't attmept to save twice
return df
schedule = loan_amortization(200000, 3.5, 30, "2023-1-1", PLOT=True)
Payment Number | Beginning Balance | Payment Amount | Bonus | Interest Paid | Principal Paid | Ending Balance | % Paid In Interest | % Paid To Principal | |
Payment Month | |||||||||
02-2023 | 1 | $200,000.00 | $898.09 | 0 | $583.33 | $314.76 | $199,685.24 | 64.953% | 35.047% |
03-2023 | 2 | $199,685.24 | $898.09 | 0 | $582.42 | $315.67 | $199,369.57 | 64.850% | 35.150% |
04-2023 | 3 | $199,369.57 | $898.09 | 0 | $581.49 | $316.59 | $199,052.98 | 64.748% | 35.252% |
05-2023 | 4 | $199,052.98 | $898.09 | 0 | $580.57 | $317.52 | $198,735.46 | 64.645% | 35.355% |
06-2023 | 5 | $198,735.46 | $898.09 | 0 | $579.65 | $318.44 | $198,417.01 | 64.542% | 35.458% |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
09-2052 | 356 | $4,451.42 | $898.09 | 0 | $12.98 | $885.11 | $3,566.32 | 1.446% | 98.554% |
10-2052 | 357 | $3,566.32 | $898.09 | 0 | $10.40 | $887.69 | $2,678.63 | 1.158% | 98.842% |
11-2052 | 358 | $2,678.63 | $898.09 | 0 | $7.81 | $890.28 | $1,788.35 | 0.870% | 99.130% |
12-2052 | 359 | $1,788.35 | $898.09 | 0 | $5.22 | $892.87 | $895.48 | 0.581% | 99.419% |
01-2053 | 360 | $895.48 | $898.09 | 0 | $2.61 | $895.48 | $0.00 | 0.291% | 99.709% |
360 rows × 9 columns
schedule = loan_amortization(200000, 3.5, 30, "2023-1-1", bonus=200, PLOT=True)
Payment Number | Beginning Balance | Payment Amount | Bonus | Interest Paid | Principal Paid | Ending Balance | % Paid In Interest | % Paid To Principal | |
Payment Month | |||||||||
02-2023 | 1 | $200,000.00 | $1,098.09 | 200 | $583.33 | $314.76 | $199,485.24 | 53.123% | 46.877% |
03-2023 | 2 | $199,485.24 | $1,098.09 | 200 | $581.83 | $316.26 | $198,968.99 | 52.986% | 47.014% |
04-2023 | 3 | $198,968.99 | $1,098.09 | 200 | $580.33 | $317.76 | $198,451.22 | 52.849% | 47.151% |
05-2023 | 4 | $198,451.22 | $1,098.09 | 200 | $578.82 | $319.27 | $197,931.95 | 52.711% | 47.289% |
06-2023 | 5 | $197,931.95 | $1,098.09 | 200 | $577.30 | $320.79 | $197,411.16 | 52.573% | 47.427% |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
06-2044 | 257 | $4,510.96 | $1,098.09 | 200 | $13.16 | $884.93 | $3,426.03 | 1.198% | 98.802% |
07-2044 | 258 | $3,426.03 | $1,098.09 | 200 | $9.99 | $888.10 | $2,337.93 | 0.910% | 99.090% |
08-2044 | 259 | $2,337.93 | $1,098.09 | 200 | $6.82 | $891.27 | $1,246.66 | 0.621% | 99.379% |
09-2044 | 260 | $1,246.66 | $1,098.09 | 200 | $3.64 | $894.45 | $152.20 | 0.331% | 99.669% |
10-2044 | 261 | $152.20 | $152.65 | 0 | $0.44 | $152.20 | $0.00 | 0.040% | 99.960% |
261 rows × 9 columns
schedule = loan_amortization(200000, 3.5, 30, "2023-1-1", 'M-Actual')
Payment Number | Beginning Balance | Payment Amount | Bonus | Interest Paid | Principal Paid | Ending Balance | % Paid In Interest | % Paid To Principal | |
Payment Month | |||||||||
02-2023 | 1 | $200,000.00 | $903.82 | 0 | $544.44 | $359.37 | $199,640.63 | 60.238% | 39.762% |
03-2023 | 2 | $199,640.63 | $903.82 | 0 | $601.69 | $302.12 | $199,338.51 | 66.573% | 33.427% |
04-2023 | 3 | $199,338.51 | $903.82 | 0 | $581.40 | $322.41 | $199,016.10 | 64.328% | 35.672% |
05-2023 | 4 | $199,016.10 | $903.82 | 0 | $599.81 | $304.00 | $198,712.09 | 66.364% | 33.636% |
06-2023 | 5 | $198,712.09 | $903.82 | 0 | $579.58 | $324.24 | $198,387.85 | 64.126% | 35.874% |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
09-2052 | 356 | $4,404.16 | $903.82 | 0 | $12.85 | $890.97 | $3,513.19 | 1.421% | 98.579% |
10-2052 | 357 | $3,513.19 | $903.82 | 0 | $10.59 | $893.23 | $2,619.96 | 1.172% | 98.828% |
11-2052 | 358 | $2,619.96 | $903.82 | 0 | $7.64 | $896.17 | $1,723.79 | 0.845% | 99.155% |
12-2052 | 359 | $1,723.79 | $903.82 | 0 | $5.20 | $898.62 | $825.17 | 0.575% | 99.425% |
01-2053 | 360 | $825.17 | $827.65 | 0 | $2.49 | $825.17 | $0.00 | 0.275% | 99.725% |
360 rows × 9 columns
schedule = loan_amortization(200000, 3.5, 30, "2023-1-1", 'M-Actual', bonus=200)
Payment Number | Beginning Balance | Payment Amount | Bonus | Interest Paid | Principal Paid | Ending Balance | % Paid In Interest | % Paid To Principal | |
Payment Month | |||||||||
02-2023 | 1 | $200,000.00 | $1,103.82 | 200 | $544.44 | $359.37 | $199,440.63 | 49.324% | 50.676% |
03-2023 | 2 | $199,440.63 | $1,103.82 | 200 | $601.09 | $302.72 | $198,937.91 | 54.456% | 45.544% |
04-2023 | 3 | $198,937.91 | $1,103.82 | 200 | $580.24 | $323.58 | $198,414.33 | 52.566% | 47.434% |
05-2023 | 4 | $198,414.33 | $1,103.82 | 200 | $598.00 | $305.82 | $197,908.51 | 54.176% | 45.824% |
06-2023 | 5 | $197,908.51 | $1,103.82 | 200 | $577.23 | $326.58 | $197,381.93 | 52.294% | 47.706% |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
05-2044 | 256 | $5,420.72 | $1,103.82 | 200 | $16.34 | $887.48 | $4,333.24 | 1.480% | 98.520% |
06-2044 | 257 | $4,333.24 | $1,103.82 | 200 | $12.64 | $891.18 | $3,242.06 | 1.145% | 98.855% |
07-2044 | 258 | $3,242.06 | $1,103.82 | 200 | $9.77 | $894.04 | $2,148.02 | 0.885% | 99.115% |
08-2044 | 259 | $2,148.02 | $1,103.82 | 200 | $6.47 | $897.34 | $1,050.68 | 0.587% | 99.413% |
09-2044 | 260 | $1,050.68 | $1,053.74 | 0 | $3.06 | $1,050.68 | $0.00 | 0.278% | 99.722% |
260 rows × 9 columns
schedule = loan_amortization(200000, 6, 2, "2023-1-1", 'D')
Payment Number | Beginning Balance | Payment Amount | Bonus | Interest Paid | Principal Paid | Ending Balance | % Paid In Interest | % Paid To Principal | |
Payment Date | |||||||||
2023-01-02 | 1 | $200,000.00 | $290.38 | 0 | $32.85 | $257.52 | $199,742.48 | 11.314% | 88.686% |
2023-01-03 | 2 | $199,742.48 | $290.38 | 0 | $32.81 | $257.56 | $199,484.91 | 11.300% | 88.700% |
2023-01-04 | 3 | $199,484.91 | $290.38 | 0 | $32.77 | $257.61 | $199,227.31 | 11.285% | 88.715% |
2023-01-05 | 4 | $199,227.31 | $290.38 | 0 | $32.73 | $257.65 | $198,969.66 | 11.271% | 88.729% |
2023-01-06 | 5 | $198,969.66 | $290.38 | 0 | $32.68 | $257.69 | $198,711.97 | 11.256% | 88.744% |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2024-12-28 | 727 | $1,451.17 | $290.38 | 0 | $0.24 | $290.14 | $1,161.03 | 0.082% | 99.918% |
2024-12-29 | 728 | $1,161.03 | $290.38 | 0 | $0.19 | $290.19 | $870.84 | 0.066% | 99.934% |
2024-12-30 | 729 | $870.84 | $290.38 | 0 | $0.14 | $290.23 | $580.61 | 0.049% | 99.951% |
2024-12-31 | 730 | $580.61 | $290.38 | 0 | $0.10 | $290.28 | $290.33 | 0.033% | 99.967% |
2025-01-01 | 731 | $290.33 | $290.38 | 0 | $0.05 | $290.33 | $-0.00 | 0.016% | 99.984% |
731 rows × 9 columns
schedule = loan_amortization(200000, 6, 2, "2023-1-1", 'bdays')
Payment Number | Beginning Balance | Payment Amount | Bonus | Interest Paid | Principal Paid | Ending Balance | % Paid In Interest | % Paid To Principal | |
Payment Date | |||||||||
2023-01-02 | 1 | $200,000.00 | $405.90 | 0 | $45.98 | $359.93 | $199,640.07 | 11.327% | 88.673% |
2023-01-03 | 2 | $199,640.07 | $405.90 | 0 | $45.89 | $360.01 | $199,280.07 | 11.307% | 88.693% |
2023-01-04 | 3 | $199,280.07 | $405.90 | 0 | $45.81 | $360.09 | $198,919.98 | 11.286% | 88.714% |
2023-01-05 | 4 | $198,919.98 | $405.90 | 0 | $45.73 | $360.17 | $198,559.80 | 11.266% | 88.734% |
2023-01-06 | 5 | $198,559.80 | $405.90 | 0 | $45.65 | $360.26 | $198,199.55 | 11.246% | 88.754% |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2024-12-26 | 519 | $2,028.11 | $405.90 | 0 | $0.47 | $405.44 | $1,622.68 | 0.115% | 99.885% |
2024-12-27 | 520 | $1,622.68 | $405.90 | 0 | $0.37 | $405.53 | $1,217.15 | 0.092% | 99.908% |
2024-12-30 | 521 | $1,217.15 | $405.90 | 0 | $0.28 | $405.62 | $811.52 | 0.069% | 99.931% |
2024-12-31 | 522 | $811.52 | $405.90 | 0 | $0.19 | $405.72 | $405.81 | 0.046% | 99.954% |
2025-01-01 | 523 | $405.81 | $405.90 | 0 | $0.09 | $405.81 | $0.00 | 0.023% | 99.977% |
523 rows × 9 columns
schedule = loan_amortization(200000, 5, 10, "2023-1-1", 'W')
Payment Number | Beginning Balance | Payment Amount | Bonus | Interest Paid | Principal Paid | Ending Balance | % Paid In Interest | % Paid To Principal | |
Payment Week | |||||||||
2-2023 | 1 | $200,000.00 | $488.93 | 0 | $192.31 | $296.62 | $199,703.38 | 39.332% | 60.668% |
3-2023 | 2 | $199,703.38 | $488.93 | 0 | $192.02 | $296.91 | $199,406.47 | 39.274% | 60.726% |
4-2023 | 3 | $199,406.47 | $488.93 | 0 | $191.74 | $297.19 | $199,109.28 | 39.216% | 60.784% |
5-2023 | 4 | $199,109.28 | $488.93 | 0 | $191.45 | $297.48 | $198,811.80 | 39.157% | 60.843% |
6-2023 | 5 | $198,811.80 | $488.93 | 0 | $191.17 | $297.76 | $198,514.03 | 39.099% | 60.901% |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
48-2032 | 516 | $2,437.61 | $488.93 | 0 | $2.34 | $486.59 | $1,951.03 | 0.479% | 99.521% |
49-2032 | 517 | $1,951.03 | $488.93 | 0 | $1.88 | $487.05 | $1,463.97 | 0.384% | 99.616% |
50-2032 | 518 | $1,463.97 | $488.93 | 0 | $1.41 | $487.52 | $976.45 | 0.288% | 99.712% |
51-2032 | 519 | $976.45 | $488.93 | 0 | $0.94 | $487.99 | $488.46 | 0.192% | 99.808% |
52-2032 | 520 | $488.46 | $488.93 | 0 | $0.47 | $488.46 | $-0.00 | 0.096% | 99.904% |
520 rows × 9 columns
schedule = loan_amortization(200000, 5, 10, "2023-1-1", 'BW')
Payment Number | Beginning Balance | Payment Amount | Bonus | Interest Paid | Principal Paid | Ending Balance | % Paid In Interest | % Paid To Principal | |
Payment Week | |||||||||
2-2023 | 1 | $200,000.00 | $978.22 | 0 | $384.62 | $593.61 | $199,406.39 | 39.318% | 60.682% |
4-2023 | 2 | $199,406.39 | $978.22 | 0 | $383.47 | $594.75 | $198,811.65 | 39.201% | 60.799% |
6-2023 | 3 | $198,811.65 | $978.22 | 0 | $382.33 | $595.89 | $198,215.75 | 39.084% | 60.916% |
8-2023 | 4 | $198,215.75 | $978.22 | 0 | $381.18 | $597.04 | $197,618.72 | 38.967% | 61.033% |
10-2023 | 5 | $197,618.72 | $978.22 | 0 | $380.04 | $598.19 | $197,020.53 | 38.850% | 61.150% |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
43-2032 | 256 | $4,863.02 | $978.22 | 0 | $9.35 | $968.87 | $3,894.15 | 0.956% | 99.044% |
45-2032 | 257 | $3,894.15 | $978.22 | 0 | $7.49 | $970.73 | $2,923.41 | 0.766% | 99.234% |
47-2032 | 258 | $2,923.41 | $978.22 | 0 | $5.62 | $972.60 | $1,950.81 | 0.575% | 99.425% |
49-2032 | 259 | $1,950.81 | $978.22 | 0 | $3.75 | $974.47 | $976.34 | 0.384% | 99.616% |
51-2032 | 260 | $976.34 | $978.22 | 0 | $1.88 | $976.34 | $-0.00 | 0.192% | 99.808% |
260 rows × 9 columns
schedule = loan_amortization(200000, 4, 10, "2023-1-1", 'Q', bonus=300)
Payment Number | Beginning Balance | Payment Amount | Bonus | Interest Paid | Principal Paid | Ending Balance | % Paid In Interest | % Paid To Principal | |
Payment Month | |||||||||
03-2023 | 1 | $200,000.00 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $2,000.00 | $4,091.12 | $195,608.88 | 31.293% | 68.707% |
06-2023 | 2 | $195,608.88 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,956.09 | $4,135.03 | $191,173.85 | 30.606% | 69.394% |
09-2023 | 3 | $191,173.85 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,911.74 | $4,179.38 | $186,694.47 | 29.912% | 70.088% |
12-2023 | 4 | $186,694.47 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,866.94 | $4,224.17 | $182,170.29 | 29.212% | 70.788% |
03-2024 | 5 | $182,170.29 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,821.70 | $4,269.42 | $177,600.88 | 28.504% | 71.496% |
06-2024 | 6 | $177,600.88 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,776.01 | $4,315.11 | $172,985.77 | 27.789% | 72.211% |
09-2024 | 7 | $172,985.77 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,729.86 | $4,361.26 | $168,324.50 | 27.067% | 72.933% |
12-2024 | 8 | $168,324.50 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,683.25 | $4,407.87 | $163,616.63 | 26.337% | 73.663% |
03-2025 | 9 | $163,616.63 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,636.17 | $4,454.95 | $158,861.68 | 25.601% | 74.399% |
06-2025 | 10 | $158,861.68 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,588.62 | $4,502.50 | $154,059.17 | 24.857% | 75.143% |
09-2025 | 11 | $154,059.17 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,540.59 | $4,550.53 | $149,208.65 | 24.105% | 75.895% |
12-2025 | 12 | $149,208.65 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,492.09 | $4,599.03 | $144,309.61 | 23.346% | 76.654% |
03-2026 | 13 | $144,309.61 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,443.10 | $4,648.02 | $139,361.59 | 22.580% | 77.420% |
06-2026 | 14 | $139,361.59 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,393.62 | $4,697.50 | $134,364.09 | 21.806% | 78.194% |
09-2026 | 15 | $134,364.09 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,343.64 | $4,747.48 | $129,316.61 | 21.024% | 78.976% |
12-2026 | 16 | $129,316.61 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,293.17 | $4,797.95 | $124,218.65 | 20.234% | 79.766% |
03-2027 | 17 | $124,218.65 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,242.19 | $4,848.93 | $119,069.72 | 19.436% | 80.564% |
06-2027 | 18 | $119,069.72 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,190.70 | $4,900.42 | $113,869.30 | 18.630% | 81.370% |
09-2027 | 19 | $113,869.30 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,138.69 | $4,952.43 | $108,616.87 | 17.817% | 82.183% |
12-2027 | 20 | $108,616.87 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,086.17 | $5,004.95 | $103,311.92 | 16.995% | 83.005% |
03-2028 | 21 | $103,311.92 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $1,033.12 | $5,058.00 | $97,953.92 | 16.165% | 83.835% |
06-2028 | 22 | $97,953.92 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $979.54 | $5,111.58 | $92,542.34 | 15.327% | 84.673% |
09-2028 | 23 | $92,542.34 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $925.42 | $5,165.70 | $87,076.64 | 14.480% | 85.520% |
12-2028 | 24 | $87,076.64 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $870.77 | $5,220.35 | $81,556.29 | 13.625% | 86.375% |
03-2029 | 25 | $81,556.29 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $815.56 | $5,275.56 | $75,980.73 | 12.761% | 87.239% |
06-2029 | 26 | $75,980.73 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $759.81 | $5,331.31 | $70,349.42 | 11.888% | 88.112% |
09-2029 | 27 | $70,349.42 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $703.49 | $5,387.63 | $64,661.80 | 11.007% | 88.993% |
12-2029 | 28 | $64,661.80 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $646.62 | $5,444.50 | $58,917.29 | 10.117% | 89.883% |
03-2030 | 29 | $58,917.29 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $589.17 | $5,501.95 | $53,115.35 | 9.219% | 90.781% |
06-2030 | 30 | $53,115.35 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $531.15 | $5,559.97 | $47,255.38 | 8.311% | 91.689% |
09-2030 | 31 | $47,255.38 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $472.55 | $5,618.57 | $41,336.82 | 7.394% | 92.606% |
12-2030 | 32 | $41,336.82 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $413.37 | $5,677.75 | $35,359.06 | 6.468% | 93.532% |
03-2031 | 33 | $35,359.06 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $353.59 | $5,737.53 | $29,321.53 | 5.533% | 94.467% |
06-2031 | 34 | $29,321.53 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $293.22 | $5,797.90 | $23,223.63 | 4.588% | 95.412% |
09-2031 | 35 | $23,223.63 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $232.24 | $5,858.88 | $17,064.75 | 3.634% | 96.366% |
12-2031 | 36 | $17,064.75 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $170.65 | $5,920.47 | $10,844.28 | 2.670% | 97.330% |
03-2032 | 37 | $10,844.28 | $6,391.12 | 300 | $108.44 | $5,982.68 | $4,561.60 | 1.697% | 98.303% |
06-2032 | 38 | $4,561.60 | $4,607.21 | 0 | $45.62 | $4,561.60 | $0.00 | 0.714% | 99.286% |
schedule = loan_amortization(200000, 4, 10, "2023-1-1", 'S')
Payment Number | Beginning Balance | Payment Amount | Bonus | Interest Paid | Principal Paid | Ending Balance | % Paid In Interest | % Paid To Principal | |
Payment Month | |||||||||
01-2023 | 1 | $200,000.00 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $4,000.00 | $8,231.34 | $191,768.66 | 32.703% | 67.297% |
07-2023 | 2 | $191,768.66 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $3,835.37 | $8,395.97 | $183,372.69 | 31.357% | 68.643% |
01-2024 | 3 | $183,372.69 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $3,667.45 | $8,563.89 | $174,808.80 | 29.984% | 70.016% |
07-2024 | 4 | $174,808.80 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $3,496.18 | $8,735.17 | $166,073.63 | 28.584% | 71.416% |
01-2025 | 5 | $166,073.63 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $3,321.47 | $8,909.87 | $157,163.76 | 27.155% | 72.845% |
07-2025 | 6 | $157,163.76 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $3,143.28 | $9,088.07 | $148,075.69 | 25.699% | 74.301% |
01-2026 | 7 | $148,075.69 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $2,961.51 | $9,269.83 | $138,805.86 | 24.212% | 75.788% |
07-2026 | 8 | $138,805.86 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $2,776.12 | $9,455.23 | $129,350.63 | 22.697% | 77.303% |
01-2027 | 9 | $129,350.63 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $2,587.01 | $9,644.33 | $119,706.30 | 21.151% | 78.849% |
07-2027 | 10 | $119,706.30 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $2,394.13 | $9,837.22 | $109,869.08 | 19.574% | 80.426% |
01-2028 | 11 | $109,869.08 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $2,197.38 | $10,033.96 | $99,835.12 | 17.965% | 82.035% |
07-2028 | 12 | $99,835.12 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $1,996.70 | $10,234.64 | $89,600.48 | 16.324% | 83.676% |
01-2029 | 13 | $89,600.48 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $1,792.01 | $10,439.33 | $79,161.15 | 14.651% | 85.349% |
07-2029 | 14 | $79,161.15 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $1,583.22 | $10,648.12 | $68,513.03 | 12.944% | 87.056% |
01-2030 | 15 | $68,513.03 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $1,370.26 | $10,861.08 | $57,651.94 | 11.203% | 88.797% |
07-2030 | 16 | $57,651.94 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $1,153.04 | $11,078.30 | $46,573.64 | 9.427% | 90.573% |
01-2031 | 17 | $46,573.64 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $931.47 | $11,299.87 | $35,273.77 | 7.615% | 92.385% |
07-2031 | 18 | $35,273.77 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $705.48 | $11,525.87 | $23,747.90 | 5.768% | 94.232% |
01-2032 | 19 | $23,747.90 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $474.96 | $11,756.39 | $11,991.51 | 3.883% | 96.117% |
07-2032 | 20 | $11,991.51 | $12,231.34 | 0 | $239.83 | $11,991.51 | $0.00 | 1.961% | 98.039% |
schedule = loan_amortization(200000, 4, 10, "2023-1-1", 'Y', bonus=300)
Payment Number | Beginning Balance | Payment Amount | Bonus | Interest Paid | Principal Paid | Ending Balance | % Paid In Interest | % Paid To Principal | |
Payment Year | |||||||||
2023 | 1 | $200,000.00 | $24,958.19 | 300 | $8,000.00 | $16,658.19 | $183,041.81 | 32.054% | 67.946% |
2024 | 2 | $183,041.81 | $24,958.19 | 300 | $7,321.67 | $17,336.52 | $165,405.29 | 29.336% | 70.664% |
2025 | 3 | $165,405.29 | $24,958.19 | 300 | $6,616.21 | $18,041.98 | $147,063.32 | 26.509% | 73.491% |
2026 | 4 | $147,063.32 | $24,958.19 | 300 | $5,882.53 | $18,775.66 | $127,987.66 | 23.570% | 76.430% |
2027 | 5 | $127,987.66 | $24,958.19 | 300 | $5,119.51 | $19,538.68 | $108,148.98 | 20.512% | 79.488% |
2028 | 6 | $108,148.98 | $24,958.19 | 300 | $4,325.96 | $20,332.23 | $87,516.75 | 17.333% | 82.667% |
2029 | 7 | $87,516.75 | $24,958.19 | 300 | $3,500.67 | $21,157.52 | $66,059.23 | 14.026% | 85.974% |
2030 | 8 | $66,059.23 | $24,958.19 | 300 | $2,642.37 | $22,015.82 | $43,743.41 | 10.587% | 89.413% |
2031 | 9 | $43,743.41 | $24,958.19 | 300 | $1,749.74 | $22,908.45 | $20,534.96 | 7.011% | 92.989% |
2032 | 10 | $20,534.96 | $21,356.36 | 0 | $821.40 | $20,534.96 | $0.00 | 3.291% | 96.709% |